What is Bioresonance


Bioresonance can also be used as an auxiliary treatment method under the control of a physician for other patients whose current treatment continues with modern medical methods, except for those with diseases requiring surgical intervention. In addition, it is possible to benefit from bioresonance as a preventive treatment method. In the treatment of diseases, bioresonance is applied in addition to other treatments and falls into the complementary therapy group and can benefit the treatment of more than 400 diseases.


There is an electromagnetic frequency that all organs, tissues and cells in the human body emit spontaneously – naturally. Just like machines. If the intensity of the wave emitted by a TV is 5 GHz; The frequencies of the human body can be in the range of 1/1000th of this. As a result, every person has a frequency that spreads in his own unique ranges.

The data based on bioresonance therapy are these frequencies naturally emitted by the body. Each person’s frequencies are unique – just like a fingerprint – and the frequencies of each cell are different from each other. Specially developed bioresonance devices are used to measure and perceive the frequencies of the human body. In the bioresonance treatment, while trying to neutralize the disease, that is, to eliminate it, by sending a frequency in the opposite direction to the diseased tissues, cells or organs through the same device; sometimes by strengthening the existing frequencies, the body’s fight against diseases is supported. For example, in the treatment of allergy, it is aimed to reset the frequency trace of the allergen substance registered in the body by loading the opposite frequency, while in the treatment of hernia, the treatment of the disease is supported by using the strengthening frequency instead of the reverse frequency.

Painless Treatment with Bioresonance
Get Rid of Smoking with Bioresonance

Bioresonance therapy has been accepted as natural medicine in the west and as a complementary treatment method in Turkey. It is performed using completely natural frequencies, without any drug or chemical loading. Therefore, it has no side effects. Applications are painless and painless. It can also be applied to babies, children, the elderly and pregnant women.

Which Diseases Can Be Treated With Bioresonance?

It is known that the bioresonance method can benefit the treatment of more than 400 diseases.

  • Smoking treatment
  • Cancer treatment
  • Vitamin deficiency treatment

How is bioresonance done?

Bioresonance is done with frequency-controlled computers. In other words, we apply frequency-controlled therapies with the devices we call bioresonance devices, and bioresonance therapy is performed with the help of these devices by adjusting and producing the frequencies of the discomfort in the person's body with these devices in a controlled manner. A sample is taken from the body, such as blood, saliva, hair, nails, which will indicate body frequencies, and these samples are placed in the device. The frequencies of these samples are determined in the device, and the treatment is performed with these frequencies belonging to the person. Or, the allergic substances that the person is uncomfortable with are detected and put into the device again. With these devices, their reverse frequency is made and given to the body with electrodes. These electrodes can be in the hand, can be on the back, with these electrodes extended with cables to any part of your body, the application is made by giving the reverse of these frequencies.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bioresonance

Is bioresonance a definitive treatment for various diseases? Can a guarantee be given?

It is not correct to give any guarantees regarding health. As there is no guarantee of anything in life, we advise our patients not to rely on statements such as "100% sure treatment", "guaranteed results", "treatment guarantee".

Yes, it can be used. There is no harm in applying bioresonance therapy before or after surgery, before, during and after drug therapy or different therapy methods. On the contrary, it can help increase the effectiveness of methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while helping to reduce or even eliminate unwanted side effects.

The treatment plan is determined individually. The duration, frequency of the sessions and the program to be applied are planned completely individually. Therefore, the duration of treatment varies accordingly.

The treatment plan is determined individually. The duration, frequency of the sessions and the program to be applied are planned completely individually. Therefore, the duration of treatment varies accordingly.