Peak Performance

Increasing Performance

Especially sportsmen, people who work too much, students under exam pressure, and those with stressful jobs such as sales and finance can benefit from the bioresonance therapy as natural doping and a training method to improve their performances. This application called peak performance is based on enhancing the performance of an individual through frequencies using a bioresonance device.

Performance enhancement therapy helps concentration by eliminating attention deficit, the problems caused by overstressing, and conditions such as fatigue and exhaustion. It’s categorized as a natural doping and training method as well.

Dr. Sinan Akkurt has many clients from various sports branches and many others who are senior executives in different sectors who consult him for the peak performance method that is the secret of excellence in sports and business. Peak performance therapy, aiming to increase the brain’s potential to the top level as a result of effective functioning and high concentration by controlling the mind, is applied to people working too much under psychological pressure, students who would like to increase their academic success, and athletes. This method is known to be used on the football team Milan and to be their secret weapon in the Champions League they won on 23 May 2007. The Canadian government had the Canadian Olympic Team benefit from peak performance therapy in 2010, which resulted in an acceleration in winning medals.

Frequently Asked Questions About Increasing Performance

Is bioresonance a definitive treatment for various diseases? Can a guarantee be given?

It is not correct to give any guarantees regarding health. As there is no guarantee of anything in life, we advise our patients not to rely on statements such as "100% sure treatment", "guaranteed results", "treatment guarantee".

Yes, it can be used. There is no harm in applying bioresonance therapy before or after surgery, before, during and after drug therapy or different therapy methods. On the contrary, it can help increase the effectiveness of methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while helping to reduce or even eliminate unwanted side effects.

The treatment plan is determined individually. The duration, frequency of the sessions and the program to be applied are planned completely individually. Therefore, the duration of treatment varies accordingly.

The treatment plan is determined individually. The duration, frequency of the sessions and the program to be applied are planned completely individually. Therefore, the duration of treatment varies accordingly.